quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015

Iguazu Falls and April

First thing I will talk about this month is my trip to Iguazu falls. I was a bit worried about getting to the airport but we got through ok. When we arrived we met a really nice couple who are as ill prepared as us because we forgot we was actually staying in Argentina not Brazil so needed to rush to get the correct currency.  We began the first night by having a nice meal at an Argentinian restaurant which was lovely followed by some cheeky drinks by the pool.  The first day was spent looking at the waterfalls on the Argentina side; these were Amazing, Majestic and Beautiful, swarmed by rainbows and butterflies. Any girls dream to be honest. I don’t think I can put into words how beautiful they were so I will just leave some pictures here which honestly doesn’t give the falls any justice. In the afternoon we even took a boat trip which to our surprise was acting going beneath one of the falls and getting soaked from head to toe.

The second day were spent on the Brazilian side of the falls which makes up only 30% of the falls, it was still great because you got to see a further away view of the falls which was also really beautiful within itself. After a day of sight-seeing we went to a really nice all you can eat and a spot of shopping in duty free on the border between Brazil and Argentina. The evening was spent drinking way to much red wine, which I won’t go into too much detail but it consisted of my flat mate jumping in the pool naked and me being very sick. Ooops.  The airport on the way back was a bit rough, feeling very hungover from the night before. My housemate also got his wallet stolen and my cards weren’t working which meant we almost got stuck at Rio Airport with no money to get back. Luckily I managed to get my cards working again. Moral of the story, make sure you always have cash on you.

Other aspects of April have been an emotional rollercoaster. I promised on my first blog I would be a 100% honest so people can learn what It’s really like to live away. So breaking up with my boyfriend of 6.5 years was killer, and I am still devastated. Even worse loosing someone this close to you, when your only company is your housemate. If it couldn’t get any-more emotionally challenging than that, don’t let your housemate takes full advantage of your vulnerability. Anyone who might consider living exclusive with someone for a long time, no matter how much you are upset and yearn for human connection, preserve! Don’t do what I did; don’t have a fling with your housemate and then have to listen for weeks how much of a regret you are. Followed by finding out all the things they hate about you. So on that note, I have to live 3 months with this person and travel to the Pantanal with them. And the cherry on top, have my now ex-boyfriend and him under the same roof in July.  I made promises that I would keep a lot of this quiet but in due to recent events, quite frankly I’ve done with caring.  I’m ready to come back to England and get my life in order.