sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2014

Survived the first month!

So since my last blog everything has changed here, as the other English student Joe B arrived. For starters me and Joe B share a room which feels really odd never having had a housemate before or live in such close quarters with someone which isn’t my boyfriend Joe (same name, confusing I know) or my family. This was something I was really worried about as me and Joe B have completely different personalities but so far it’s been better and we haven’t killed each other yet.  We both agree that even though living together is not ideal, but it’s a small sacrifice for free privileged accommodation within the national park. And I guess is just part of being a researcher.  It also means I have someone English to talk to and we can share movies and TV shows, Thank god for my Brainy sister at home who makes sure I’m never stuck without British TV, very useful since Joe B has brought a TV into our room, not that I’m complaining.  Also the day Joe B arrived we got invited to a house party where I tasted some of the local alcohol including some home-made sugarcane stuff. (Getting drunk really helps you get settled here). Me and Joe B are also going to try and arrange some stuff to visit Rio during carnival and we want to visit the Pantanal (the largest wetlands worldwide) at some point and maybe even an island at Christmas (to keep our mind of the fact that were not with our families and friends during the festive period). Something I very much looking forward too. Nathan the student whom came here last year did a lot of traveling and has really set the bar high.
Also Since Joe B has arrived it’s also means I’ve managed to get out onto the trails more, this has been fantastic and we have seems some breath taking views and wildlife, including mountain ranges, Humming Birds, Butterflies and Black Horned Capuchins. And noted these mountain ranges and trails are sure keeping me in shape.
Last week was the researcher’s event and no doubt this would have been fantastic apart from the fact it was all in Portuguese and no matter how much I listened none seemed to be going in. although on the week of the researchers event many of the researchers went for a meal at a local restaurant, ate some nice food and even tried to learn how to samba (however to dance the samba you have to be a little close for comfort) which is often noted that the English are not keen on human contact.
One thing that has been a nightmare is the Brazilian Federal office and registering our VISAS, so there was hidden costs and stuff that we have not been told and about and so far has taken me 6 trips to the airport to try and get things sorted and yesterday (5/11/14) made another unsuccessful trip into Rio. On the other hand visiting in Rio yesterday really showed the large poor/rich divide of Brazil. With beautiful buildings at one side of you and the favelas (slums) on the other side.
Recently internet has not been working properly. And with a lack of internet and entertainment we have had to improvise which has included me and Joe B wandering around in a thunderstorm and attempting to survey moths at night (which has yet to be successful). I really hope they get the internet fixed soon as I really would like another skype call with family. Another recent bad point has been me flying onto my face the other day, I got overly enthused about seeing the capuchins near our room that I went flying, nearly broke my camera and IPod, luckily the only thing damaged was me with a very bruised hand at the minute and scrapes all over me. But like a true trooper I patched myself up and went back to take pictures and videos and I’m just grateful it’s only me that was damaged.   
We have been discussing research projects and even though a lot of details still need to be worked out it seems I’ll be surveying mammals, birds, butterflies, fruit and primates including the Endangered Marquis. In short calculating if there are seasonal differences and the best surveying method in relation to consecutive days and random days each season (I think) but everything is up in the air at the moment.
Today (6/11/14) was my first day checking out where we are going to be collecting data for our research and it sure came as a shock. This consists of hiking through loose-ground and scrabbling across many slippery rock in dense rainforest for 2400 KM (6 hour round trip) and its pain strikingly hard work.  Many people think working in research in conservation is fun, easy and glamourous work. I mean why not you get to see tones of cute animals and get to look at the pretty trees, right? When really it is long hikes in unpredictable weather! (No lie I was stuck in a thunder/hail storm today, where is hale were the size of bricks), Rainforests are also high diverse habitats but are also very dense, Which means you could be hiking for hours and days without finding any data. As far as staying glamourous goes when working in these conditions, you have to develop a mutual understanding with colleagues that your all going to sweat like pigs, you’re going to have to shuffle on your bum through mud and rocks, and there’s going to be many occasions when you’re going to fall on your face and arse. Safe to say there’s no way of remaining a classy and beautiful lady in this field of work. On the other hand though all the blood, sweat and tears, a long hike is very rewarding and even if you see one tiny little frog you have never seen before makes all the hard work worthwhile. Conservationists are easily satisfied.
 Since my last blog my cooking has improved a lot, I’ve managed to get more inventive with my cooking, yes me getting all domestic and stuff!! My parents would be proud. I have also become good friends with my Portuguese teacher has he’s fun to hang out with and is a good teacher. However the last couple of weeks I’ve been busy and I am well overdue another language lesson. 
Even though I feel a lot more settled here, I still miss home like crazy. I miss my boyfriend Joe so much. I guess it’s something that some people don’t really understand much. When you have been living and spending almost every day with someone you care about so much for 6-7 years (which being only 21, contributes the a large chunk of my life)  it becomes familiar and apart of you as a person and its hard finding my feet independently. Also unlike many other students I have also lived at home during my time at university and honestly I’m not used to spending long periods of time alone. But with constant support from family and friends at home I am slowly adjusting but still excited for the end of July when I see them again. Even though there’s Skype, it doesn’t come close to speaking to someone in the flesh.  I’ve accepted here that Homesickness never goes away, It’s just something need to live with it and try and keep myself busy enough here working with the amazing wildlife.

I have been told that the hardest time here would be the first month and I have conquered it, although I am expecting more hard times to come I think now they will continue to become less and less frequent. I hope that on my next blog entry I can tell you more about my research and my new adventures here in Brazil. 

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