segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2015



March started with an unexpected pleasant surprise as I got invited to help out on the Butterfly monitoring project. This was something I have been looking forward to since during my time at University I have developed a keen interest for insects including Lepidoptera.  This so far has been a great experience; firstly I learnt how to set up the 16 traps using an attractant made up of ripe bananas and Sugar cane, over the same 1400m transect line used for my own personal project. I really enjoyed learning how to set the nets up as it’s a skill that will benefit me in future and would like to try this out at home and see that British species I find. From this we had 3 days in which we would check the traps, mark and release the butterflies whilst collecting vital data.  I loved this as obviously Lepidoptera in Brazil are big beautiful and impressive. I also learnt how to handle alive ones without damaging there delicate wings. Luckily being interested Entomology I have experience in spreading the wings and pinning dead specimens, so I had a greater understanding how much pressure I can apply without harming them.

My bad luck with everything breaking is continuing and the next thing to break was both the washing machine and drier, as a result I truly am now living in the rainforest, as I now have to use a bucket to hand wash all my clothes and my homemade line when its not raining :’( ! getting domesticated #Firstworldproblems. More bad luck includes getting slight food poisoning or a bug this month from treating myself to Mexican, not great when you share a room with someone else, have no Netflix and no lounge pants :’(.  

When I wrote my first blog entry here, I said I would be completely honest and tell the both the good and bad aspects to living in another country. This month has been the most emotionally challenging month so far.   Its no secret that I am prone to being homesick but now is hitting me more than ever. For those who don’t know, my 6.5 year relationship at home has hit a wall, and that’s all I will share about it so far. But coping is difficult as  I don’t speak to many people here; when I say that I mean I have my housemate and occasionally my language teacher.  The need for human contact is suppressing me like a ton of bricks. The routine this month is also the getting tedious, and the field doesn’t quite satisfy my thirst for adventure anymore.  And even now I am struggling to put this into words.  I must be starting become a complete bore. But being amazing friend’s they continue to be supportive even if it means sitting with me on skype almost every day this week, listening to me whine and get upset.  My housemate parents are also visiting today so that put it even further into light how much I miss my own and everyone at home.  So ill end this month’s entry by thanking and apologising to the people who has had to deal with my continued negativity.  Thank You and Sorry too: both Joe’s , James, Hannah, Laura, Sarah, Damien, Ben D, Ben W and  Skye. Whom have had to deal with me consistent moaning.  I Love you all.

I’ve had enough of March. I expect April will have its moments, but now since I am half way down a bottle of Bacardi gold it’s time to pull myself up again. 

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